Pinay-American Blog
Are Debt Problems Causing Marriage Stress?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 @ 7:38 PM

According to statistics, debt problems are one of the leading causes of divorce in this country (USA and some) When couples have more debt than they can handle stress and tension easily build up like a pressure cooker. Husbands and wives often blame each other for their current situation and hurtful words are exchanged in the process. This leads into a lot of bitterness and emotional distress. Both husband and wife feel like a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. Every conversation about money turns into a big argument. Does this sound familiar?

There is a lot of marriages destroyed by debt problems. If the situation is not resolved with a bankruptcy filing in order to obtain debt relief, divorce is the next inevitable step. In California (like in every community property state), the debts of one spouse are also debts of one spouse if acquired during marriage. Hence, both spouses are often jointly liable to creditors. Some people just can't accept this fact when I tell them this. They feel that their spouse caused all the problems and that they should not suffer the adverse consequences. Unfortunately, that is not how things work. There are exceptions to this "joint liability" rule and in certain cases (including credit cards debts where only one spouse is on the account), spouse are able to acquire debts solely in their name and the creditor doesn't look to the other spouse for payments. If you are unsure about your situation, you should consult with a bankruptcy attorney to find out what your legal rights are.

When debt problems threaten marriage, seeing how a lot of people are often more woried about saving their credit rather than saving relationships amazes me. When couple fight over money, it is always easy to blame the other person. Married people, who are in this situation where debts incurred have benefited both spouses, that two persons are needed to solve one problem. Instead of bickering endlessly, focusing their time and energy on finding a solution that can be mutually beneficial is probably better. Wouldn't you agree that this is the best approach in solving your joint debt problems nd saving your marriage?

Of course, no one ever wans to talk about bankruptcy but, believe me, that theres a thousands of situations like this are still happening, bankruptcy relief may be just what some need to solve debt problems and fix marriage before it isbeyond repair. This is a bitter pill to swallow for most people. But if you have exhausted all options and have no other way out, why not find out what relief is available under the law and get the help right away. Obtaining immediate relief from debt may give you just the opportunity you need to work on your marriage and resolve your differences with your partner before things get really ugly. If you are in the situation at the moment, the soomer you take action, the sooner you will know what to do to restore peace in your home. This is what you want, isnt it?



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